About Wonderfully Me
Wonderfully Me, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving girls in Chester County, PA and Wake County, NC and their surrounding areas. The empowerment program will educate and encourage girls ages 8-17 by teaching life skills that will cultivate positive self-confidence, self-worth and self-development. Our hope is to transform them into purposeful women of courage, character and compassion.
Our Mission and Vision
To empower, educate and encourage girls by teaching life skills that will cultivate positive
self-confidence, self-worth and self-development. Transform girls into resilient and
purposeful women good character, confidence and courage who contribute to their communities while making positive life choices.
Our Program
Young women will be engaged in activities and discussions that promote life skills that focus on self-esteem, character building, decision making, healthy relationships, social media safety, appreciating diversity and communication skills. Samples of topics we will address include:
Wonderfully You
Successful Goal Planning
Exploring Character
Social Media Smarts
Appreciating Diversity
Girls often struggle with low self-esteem, self-worth and poor interpretations of their body image as a result of negative stereotypes of females that continue to persist in our society. Numerous factors contribute to the low self-esteem struggles experienced by young girls. Exposure to media and unhealthy perceptions of body image resulting from negative stereotypes are often contributors. Such social pressures often lead to depression, increase teen suicides, drug and substance abuse, bullying, poor academic performance, eating disorders,behavioral issues and unhealthy relationships.
In some instances, their perceptions of low self-worth and personal insecurities can be attributed to generational messages that have been transferred to them from grandmothers, mothers, aunts and other female role models thus continuing the cycle of low self esteem and poor life choices. Ultimately, when girls experience a positive understanding of themselves early in life, it pays off later in life-showing positive results into womanhood. This will determine how they treat themselves, how they treat others and how they allow others to treat them.
After years of quiet yearning on how to address issues of self esteem that confront girls in our communities and ultimately the death of my mother and her love for nurturing young ladies, made me realize it was time to act. Meeting with a few ladies who shared my vision at Applebee's in March 2017, Wonderfully Me, Inc. was founded in honor of my mother.
As a result, Wonderfully Me, driven by a strong desire to help build confidence, to value learning, and to foster a love of self in the lives of girls.
We welcome all girls and will provide a space where girls will uphold their individual self-respect alongside their respect for others.